Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life in three-hour shifts.

In our short time as parents, we have learned many life lessons... one of which being that we no longer see each day as a 24-hour period, but rather, as eight three-hour days in one. Did no one tell us this, or did we just have to live it to learn it? :-) But it is truly amazing seeing how quickly the days fly by when they are broken up into three-hour blocks. It goes something like this: one hour for feeding and burping the twins, half an hour changing and cleaning up messes, and half an hour getting them settled down and/or sleeping again. Now of course, assuming that they actually both do stay settled down after all that, that leaves one hour for us to sleep, go to the bathroom, shower, or eat. Yes folks, we are back to basics! If there is time for two of these extracurricular activities, it feels like a miracle, but if we're lucky, we find time for one. Needless to say, to find time to return calls and emails, and even update this blog, seems next to impossible! We are trying our best to keep up, but all this is to say that it may take us some time. We hope you all understand! Please be patient with us, and feel free to harass us... we definitely answer the phone when we have a free hand, so please keep trying!

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