Friday, October 31, 2008


What kind of costume goes with pregnant? This has been our dilemma this Halloween season. With the belly being too obvious to hide, we decided that whatever couples' costume we came up with had to have pregnancy built into it. After much debate, we finally settled on "Joe the Milkman" (get it???) and the '50s housewife he got pregnant. For our last Halloween without kids, we were determined to rally and make it to two parties - staying up until 2:00 am, a record for pregnant Sarah!

Meanwhile, Mika got dressed up as a pumpkin. Despite appearances, she actually didn't mind it as much as last year's bumblebee costume!

Btw, if you ever need ideas for pregnant couple Halloween costumes, here were some of our finalists:

- a baker and an oven (with a bun in the oven)
- a chef and a jar of Prego spaghetti sauce (with exp. date as the due date)
- jock and pregnant prom queen
- Mother and Father Earth

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One of each!

Today was the day of our big 20-week ultrasound. We were happy to see that the babies are both progressing nicely, have all the essential parts, and are still measuring at about the same size. In fact, they are still measuring about a week ahead, so they are really growing! We were also able to find out the gender, and were thrilled to find out that we are having one of each - a boy and a girl!

Names are still to come, with no final decision to be made until they are born. Until then, they are referred to as "Baby A" and "Baby B" in clinical terms - Baby A being the boy, and Baby B being the girl. The A and B have to do with positioning - Baby A is positioned closest to the cervix, which means that he will be the first to be born.

Here are our little ones below - Baby A (the boy) on the left, and Baby B (the girl) on the right. We loved how the girl was smiling for the camera already!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Love my new shirt!

Tonight, we received a wonderfully thoughtful pregnancy package from my sister-in-law, Kristi. Among other things, it contained the great little shirt you see below - which reads, "My pod has two peas"! Naturally, I was so excited, I had to try it on right away. I will totally live in this... especially since it will help explain to people why I look as pregnant as I do! Thanks Kristi!!!

Side view, circa 18 weeks:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Okay, maternity pants do kinda rock.

I had originally promised myself that I would hold out on wearing maternity clothes until 20 weeks - halfway through pregnancy. I figured if I stretched out wearing my regular clothes as long as possible, I would be less likely to create a big bonfire of maternity clothes by the time I reached the end. I was all set with the perfect transition wardrobe - wrap dresses, wrap tops, empire waists, stretchy fabrics - everything I needed for the fat-awkward phase of pregnancy. But with the 20-week mark still weeks away, I could see I was not going to reach my goal. With one - maybe... but with two, it just means that I am so much bigger so much earlier. After all, if even chilly DC commuters are giving up their seats for me on the metro, it's because I LOOK TOTALLY PREGNANT. And I'm not even halfway there yet!

So, I broke down and finally busted out the maternity pants. And now I'm wondering, what was I waiting for all this time? Why have I been walking around with my pants and skirts unzipped and uncomfortable for weeks? Hello, stretchy elastic waist comfort. Ahhh. I think I may never go back!