Monday, March 2, 2009

It's March... and still no babies yet!

We are growing continually impressed with our babies' abilities to continue gestating. Here we are now in March, and amazingly, I am still pregnant! All along, we were hoping just to make it to February, knowing how early so many twins are born... so our goal was to keep them hanging on until then. Plus, with Joe's strong family history of February birthdays, were certain that we would be adding two more to the family roster. Fortunately, we managed to avoid our babies being born on Joe's birthday, so we are happy that February 24th remains safely reserved just for Joe. After all, the twins will already have to share their birthday with each other - and I would have felt left out if I were the only member of our family not born on February 24th. :-)

But now, the end is in sight. Although they seem to be pretty happy just where they are, it is looking like induction will be the way out for them. But, if that happens, it is a good thing at this point, as twins should not stay much beyond 38 weeks, nor should I continue to push my blood pressure much longer. We will keep you all posted on their imminent arrival!

1 comment:

Patti and Patrick: said...

Yeah Sarah! Patti and I are thinking of you, Joe and the little snappers. You'll do great!