Sunday, February 8, 2009

A breath of fresh air.

I swear, no one warned me that one of the greatest nuisances of pregnancy would be the inability to breathe. Instead, all I heard about was the other afflictions that seemed to pass me by: morning sickness/nausea (I had none), food aversions (none), strange cravings (again, none!), swollen ankles and wrists (still none!)... and the list goes on and on. But since the first trimester, I have been plagued with a stuffy nose like it's allergy season 24/7. And since about week 20, I have also been struck by breathlessness when I'm talking, walking, or eating. Granted, I knew this was something to expect later in pregnancy, as the uterus compresses the lungs - but with two babies, it just meant that this happened to me much earlier. But now, I'm missing the days of my 20-week breathlessness, because as the babies get bigger, it now feels like pregnancy-induced asthma - if there is such a thing. Now, I wake up in the night not just because I have to pee constantly, but also because I feel like I'm suffocating. And poor Joe - I'm sure this isn't doing much for his sleep either.

So now, I'm dreaming of days when I won't blow my nose all the time, and I can take long, deep breaths again. Of course, allergy season will really be upon us soon after the babies are born - but I'm sure it will be better than this. :-)


Julie C. said...

oh sis, I am so proud of you! I can't believe you've gone this long! 35 weeks - crazy awesome! You rock!

Kristen Perkins ("Grace's Mom") said...

No morning sickness and a nice free dinner! And twins!! I'd say you and Joe are doing just fantastic! Keep us posted on those babies!
Love, Kristen

MrsMonday said...

I came across your blog through a friend of a friend. My husband and I are expecting Identical (one placenta 2 sacs) twin boys on July 12th. (However I was just informed yesterday I will be delivered at 36 weeks due to some possible complications). You're entries have been cracking me up all morning!! It's good to see what I have to look forward to! While I'm only 18weeks right now, I already feel like I am huge, and definitely getting the comments to go along with it.

Good luck with everything! Keep posting!! =)

Marie Monday